Zapped! Surviving an EMP Attack: Essential Tips to Protect Yourself

An EMP attack can wipe out our power grid, communication systems, and technological infrastructure, plunging us into a catastrophic situation.

How to Survive an EMP Attack: Essential Tips to Protect Yourself

Be Prepared for the Worst

Don’t wait for a disaster to happen, be proactive and prepare yourself and your family for an EMP attack. Create an emergency kit with essential supplies, such as non-perishable food, water, medicine, and first aid supplies. Keep a backup generator, solar charger, or alternative sources of power for your electronics.

Secure Your Home

Your home is your castle, and protecting it is crucial in a post-EMP world. Secure your home with sturdy locks, window bars, and reinforced doors. Keep a supply of self-defense items, Guns, Knives, Ammo, etc. Install security cameras and motion sensors to detect any intruders.

Learn essential survival skills, such as first aid, hunting, fishing, and self-defense

Learn Survival Skills

In a world without technology, survival skills are essential for your survival. Follow websites like and learn the skills to survive. Learn essential survival skills, such as first aid, hunting, fishing, and self-defense. Practice fire-making, shelter building, and water purification techniques.

Stay Informed

Knowledge is power, and staying informed is crucial in a disaster situation. Stay updated on the latest news and developments regarding EMP attacks. Follow credible sources and experts on survival and emergency preparedness.

surviving an EMP attack requires preparation, vigilance, and a resilient mindset

In conclusion, surviving an EMP attack requires preparation, vigilance, and a resilient mindset. By following these essential tips, you can increase your chances of surviving and thriving in a post-EMP world. 

Some Additional Resources:

  1. (Official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
  2. (FEMA – The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s official page on EMP)
  3. Infographic: Tips to Survive an EMP

Why You Need A Solar Generator?

First off it’s the obvious, FREE endless supply of solar power.

But here are a few more reasons:

  • Clean energy (promotes clean air quality)
  • Zero emissions
  • Saves money
  • Renewable energy
  • No smells or noise
  • Electricity continues to rise in price
  • Good return on your investment (ROI)
  • Solar power can offset climate change
  • Save precious resources

Applications for a Solar Generator:

Support laptops, notebooks, tablets and most computers, cellular phones, small fans, AM/FM radios, DVD players, small TVs, low wattage light bulbs etc. (up to 60 Watts)

solar power 20w Folding Solar Panel Charger

When to use the Solar Generator?

  • Emergency (power failure etc.)
  • Camping & traveling
  • Outdoor recreation
  • Power your devices

Portable Powerpack - Back up emergency power


Imagine life without communications or small electronics!

  • No internet
  • No cell phones charged
  • No TV, DVD players, video games or radio
  • No laptop, notebook, or tablet
  • No router or modern
  • No low wattage electronics or small appliances

battery back up USB AA Solar Charger

See more solar generation.

Related Blog Post: Making-your-own-electricity-for-survival