by Guest Blogger OmegaMan
If you’ve prepared, you’ll hopefully have enough long term food and water supplies in an apocalyptic scenario. Ever wondered how you are going to clean your dishes after you eat with out wasting water?
In all the survival training manuals I have ever read, I have never seen this issue addressed. I know a perfect solution that will not waste your precious water supply but yet effectively clean your utensils and most anything else for that matter. Have you ever heard of Ammonium Chloride?
Probably not by that name. Or, you may have put it in your swimming pool as an algae control. But, most likely you know it by the popular brand name Lysol.
Ammonium chlorides in fact are so effective at sanitation that they are even used by the CDC in their employee wash down stations.
Also, did you know many bars use ammonium chloride compounds to sanitize bar glasses? Have you ever seen the dip and rinse techniques used by bartenders?
I often wondered what they were using, then asked. Much to my surprise one of the most common brands used is: Steramine.
Wow, talk about effective! – 150 tablets for roughly a $10 investment.
Each tablet sanitizes a gallon of wash water. What a great and inexpensive way to protect your family without the huge expense of spray cleaners, soaps and save on storage. All it takes is one minute to effectively destroy most pathogens. Just one minute that will save your precious water supply and may save your life.
I hope you enjoyed my little survival tip, be sure to check back often more more insightful posts. Stay Prepared…OmegaMan