Get Rid Of Several Problems With The Use Of Essential Oils

essential oils for preppers

Health trends do come and go, but the use of essential oils is used extensively and reliably in medicine for many thousands of years. Essential oil therapy or aromatherapy can be recognized as the medicinal utilization of naturally mined plant aromas for promoting emotional and physical well-being. The use of aromatic plant extracts is very old as they are highly used for soothing skins, treating burns, relaxing your mind, and also lessening stress. Essential oils for babies who are older than three months are highly helpful in calming anxiety, encouraging sleep, and even relieving signs of colic.

However, before you apply these oils on babies, you must have a detailed understanding of the application processes as well as appropriate dilution ratios. As essential oils are hugely available, it becomes very important to go through the product levels well for ensuring that you have been using nothing short of unadulterated, genuine, and pure essential oils. When an essential oil gets premixed with alcohol, then it turns irritating. This is why; you should avert artificial fragrances that are entirely different from an essential oil as these synthetic fragrances can turn harmful to your health and can be irritating too on your skin.

Some useful essential oils for babies

Chamomile – These essential oils are gentle and help babies in having a sound sleep. Chamomile is equipped with natural comforting effects and it is used for treating insomnia in babies as well as adults. When you use chamomile along with lavender, then it will be able to soothe the signs of colic.

Distilled lemon – This is capable of helping mood and energy levels and it is also excellent for a post-nap wakeup call. People prefer distilled lemon as it doesn’t result in skin irritation.

Dill – Dill’s oil is antispasmodic and calming and it helps in soothing indigestion. For using this oil, dilute it in a ratio of a drop/teaspoon of carrier oil. After this, you can apply it on your baby’s skin.

Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus happens to be a natural expectorant which can help in unclogging respiratory congestion. Due to this reason, eucalyptus is preferred during the winter months.

Lavender – Lavender has numerous sedative and calming effects. An oil massage of lavender is helpful in relaxing a fussy baby besides encouraging his sleep.Again, you can use lavender on insect bites for lessening itchiness.

Tea tree – Tea tree happens to be an antifungal, antimicrobial, and disinfectant. When you add some drops of this oil to unscented oil, it will help in lessening fungal infections and diaper rash.

Safety rules regarding essential oils

It is highly important to select essential oils which are absolutely safe for babies and for the safety of these oils you have to follow some rules like:

  • Store essential oils in a dry and safe place.
  • Don’t allow direct sunlight to fall on the essential oil and use within date.
  • You must follow the correct instructions.

As with everything else, you must have a consultation with a medical professional regarding baby essential oils which would be ideal for use on your baby. You must be particularly careful if your child suffers from breathing problems or asthma.

What Are The Best Prepper and Survival Websites?

52 Top rated survival and prepper websites and blogs

One of the very interesting aspects to the survival gear market in the United States is the fact that there are thousands and thousands of survival websites. This is likely due to the influence from the popular shows like Survivorman and Doomsday Preppers, but notwithstanding, the American populous has been prepping since before the country was founded, although there are certainly many more suppliers to choose from.

Despite the fact that we at Year Zero Survival sell survival gear and supplies, our customers often times want to know who some of the other high quality survival resources and prepper websites are. And with our continued focus on transparency and education at Year Zero Survival, here are a few websites to consider as you’re looking at survival gear and other outdoor supplies.


Hopefully many of you will find this list to be extremely helpful.

The following are 52 of the best prepper websites and blogs on the Internet…

  1. Survival Blog
  2. American Preppers Network
  3. The Survival Mom
  5. Survival 4 Christians
  6. Urban Survival
  7. Backdoor Survival
  8. Off Grid Survival
  9. Modern Survival Online
  10. The Survivalist Blog
  11. Survivors Fortress
  12. Prepper Website
  13. The Survival Podcast
  14. Doom And Bloom
  15. Provident Living Today
  17. Prepared Christian
  19. Survival Cache
  20. Modern Survival Blog
  21. Rural Revolution
  22. Preparedness Advice Blog
  24. Survival And Prosperity
  25. TEOTWAWKI Blog
  26. The Neighbor Network
  27. The Apartment Prepper
  28. Armageddon Online
  29. The Berkey Guy Blog
  30. The Home For Survival
  31. My Family Survival Plan
  32. Year Zero
  33. Prepper Dashboard
  34. Bacon And Eggs
  35. SHTF School
  36. Canadian Preppers Network
  37. Maximum Survival
  38. Survivor Jane
  39. Prepping To Survive
  40. SaltnPrepper
  41. SGTReport
  42. SHTF Wiki
  43. Jewish Preppers
  44. Survival Magazine
  45. Survival Week
  46. Prepper Forums
  47. Survivalist Boards
  48. Tactical Intelligence
  49. The Prepared Ninja
  50. Common Sense Homesteading
  51. Survivallife
  52. Geek Prepper
  53. Bunker Basics

So there are quite a few companies you may consider as you go about your survival research. Although I can’t say these companies are ‘the best’ in U.S. per se, they do have an established history of quality information and products.

Will You Be Prepared when the SHTF?

Of course, if you are looking to get premium quality survival products, we at Year Zero Survival are always ready to assist.


Happy Prepping!


Learn How to Tie 12 Useful Knots with This Visual Guide

If the only knot you know involves tying your shoes, then this infographic provides clear, step-by-step instructions on tying some of the most useful knots out there. This is a great little chart to keep around for reference and it explains the best uses for each knot.

Do you know of some great uses for these knots that aren’t mentioned? Let us know in the comments!

how to tie knots for survival


The SAS Survival Guide App

The modern age has made it so it’s easier than ever to learn how to survive in the wilderness. Every day, new ways to create tools that are needed to survive in the wilderness are developed, and the internet has made it so anyone can access guides to recreate them if they know where to look. Many new gadgets and devices have also been made to help make camping trips and outdoor adventures safer and easier, but there is probably no better technological advancement than the mobile phone itself.

In the past few years, we’ve seen the mobile industry rise to incredible proportions. Some estimates say that the introduction of affordable mobile devices in developing countries might push internet usage past 3 billion by the end of the year. With mobile usage at an all-time high, we’ve seen many new apps come out for every niche possible, including survival guides.

SAS App screenshot  SAS App screenshot 2

Of course, with the wealth of survival apps out there, some still shine above the others. John “Lofty” Wiseman’s SAS Survival Guide is perhaps one of the most comprehensive of these apps. Having been one of the most definitive guides for over 20 years, the SAS Survival Guide puts together the best of the elite training techniques of Britain’s fighting force, the survival guide has now been launched in a mobile app.

Other than allowing you to learn various survival skills through your phone, the app also helps you make sure that you’re never caught unawares, allowing full usage even when offline. This is great news, especially if you’re relying on your mobile phone in the wilderness, as Kim Shadbolt of Pocket Fruity writes in a blog post, using 3G to access the internet can be quite unreliable – not to mention that it drains your battery faster. “3G is good, but can be a bit temperamental depending on where you are, what network you’re on and how much data allowance you have,” the blog post reads.

The app contains videos of everything from how to tie knots to how to read animal tracks, as well as galleries of detailed images of medicinal and poisonous plants and animals that you might encounter in the wilderness. A sun compass, survival checklist, and even a More code signaling device are also available on the app. The only downside? While it’s available on both iOS and Android, the app costs $5.99. With so much content, however, it’s a great investment, especially if you’re taking wilderness survival seriously.

Be Prepared

Are you ready to survive?

Depend on Year Zero Survival and navigation equipment along with our survival tips and information to stay safe in any emergency or natural disaster.

Survival gear is extremly important when it comes to your family’s safety. Staying safe, hydrated, having survival food and other survival tools / gear is easy with Year Zero Survival. Our survival supplies are designed for portablility and practicality.

Basic survival gear is a must-have for any family, individual in your home, car or boat.

Being prepared is the first step in survival.


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