Quick Tip | Add These To Your Bugout Bag

Travel much?

If you do, then why not take advantage of the additional shampoo, soap, lotion, mouthwash, shower cap, sewing kit, etc… and save them. They make excellent short term cleaning solutions to add to your bugout bag.

They are light-weight, small and easy to carry. Plus, they don’t take up much room and best of all they are FREE! (or, if you don’t travel, you can just buy trial size products at your local drug store)

outdoor bathing


I like to put them into small sandwich size ziplock bags and keep them in my various bugout bags and car kits.


Three R’s of Survival

These three R’s are just as important to survival as they are in everyday life.

#Recycle #Reuse #Repurpose

The 3 R's of Survival

In times of emergency and survival, you will have to be creative with your supplies and make do with whatever you can find and use to live and survive.

We will not be given the option to change our wasteful ways and find the most suitable ‘green’ way of living in a survival crisis. Every day items we take for granted will be unavailable and we need to ask ourselves what can be use to replace them. Thinking outside thebox will be a must.

So remember these 3 R’s of survival, Repurpose, Reuse, Recycle. Be prepared.


Be Ready when disaster strikes, prep for the unknown at Year Zero Survival