There are hundreds, if not thousands of uses for alcohol in an disaster or emergency situation, but I these are MY top 11 uses.
- Barter & Trade (use in place of money, which will be worthless)
- Fire starter (easily start fires)
- Medical (antiseptic for wounds, sterilize needles, knives and other instruments)
- Disinfect water (use to disinfect questionable water sources)
- Fuel for engines (use as fuel on small equipment, generators, etc)
- Make herbal tinctures and elixirs
- Solvent (use to clean guns, razors and other tools)
- Numbing agent (if you need to knock someone out for dental or medical surgery)
- Weapon (can be used to make accelerant bombs)
- Morale booster (keep spirits up during difficult or cold times)
- Attract a mate (set the mood, can be used to repopulate the human race)
Currently, in my preps I have 2 cases (12 bottles each case, one name brand & one of the cheap stuff): Vodka. Whiskey, Rum, Red Wine & High proof alcohol (Everclear). Granted this quantity of stock is not very mobile, and is best stored in a bugout or bug-in location.
What type of alcohol would/do you stock?
Great article, I want to read more of your things.