Let us imagine that you are a prepper. You have your first aid items, nonperishable foods, extra rifles, ammunition, and even a replacement upper receiver. One of the most important things to have saved as a prepper are clothes! Having the right type of clothes can make or break your potential for survival in the natural elements. What items do you need most? Look no further!

You always need to have a hat (or two) on hand. It is suggested that you have two, as you can have one to keep the sun off your face in the summer and one to help trap the heat in your body in the winter. In a very cold pinch, you could use both! These hats do not need to be any specific brand, they only have to work! In fact, some places give out baseball caps for free. They use this as a type of advertisement—it is a win-win for both of you. For the hats that will keep the heat in, you may learn how to make those or have someone you know make them for you. Crocheted or knitted wool hats are the best at trapping heat. If you pick up this skill, it would also prepare you for the possibility of needing to create your own clothes in the event of Armageddon.
At worst, you will be needing to create a homestead for yourself and rely on your own ability to gather food, cultivate a garden, build a shelter, and hunt. This may require you to navigate rough terrain and areas where there are plants such as poison ivy or poison oak. There could also be bugs, such as mosquitos, carrying disease. Having long jean pants and/or overalls at hand will help protect you from each of these elements and more. Excellent quality jeans or overalls, such as those made by Levi’s or Carhartt, will stand up to a lot of stress. Stock up on these and keep them in your bunker. You can put them in an airtight bag if you are worried about them getting moldy or covered in moths over an extended period.

It would behoove you to have two or three types of shoes on hand in the event of a disaster. You want to be sure that each pair are the correct size for you. This could be difficult if you have children who are growing, but you could thrift shoes from your local rescue ministry store or the like. For the children, a pair of good tennis shoes should be enough to get them through. For you, your spouse, or other adults, there are a couple of distinct types of shoes that would help you out. A good pair of tennis shoes for daily wear. A good pair of Golashes or duck boots for when it is wet, rainy, or snowy. Also, a pair of hiking boots would serve you well if you are in an area where you may go hunting and gathering. Tennis shoes will do okay in a pinch, but hiking shoes are much better suited for the varying terrain you may encounter. You can purchase these items in thrift stores as well and save yourself some money. Or, as you buy yourself new pairs of shoes through the years, you can put your older ones in storage in the case of an emergency.

There is a saying that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. If you keep the correct type of jackets and coats on hand, this will ring true for you in present day and during a period of Armageddon. Having a wind breaker and a rain jacket rolled into one will help lessen the amount of coats and jackets you need in your bunker. Having multiples is always a good thing in case something happens to the first jacket or coat, but you can get away with a heavy coat and a jacket/windbreaker. These will keep you warm on top of the extra layers of normal clothes you already have packed.
Emergency Blankets and Rain Ponchos
You never know when the temperature is going to drop or you are going to have to stay in a shelter that is cool and drafty. You also never know when it is going to start raining. Having a two in one poncho and blanket will be a life saver—literally. Not only will it keep you dry and from getting colder, it will also trap your body heat inside the poncho to assist in keeping your whole body warm. Choosing a brand that has been thoroughly tested will be key. Any brand can say that their poncho blanket traps the most heat in and keeps the most rain out. But those that have tested their theories with thermal image capture and used NASA grade Mylar will be the best on the market. One such product is made by Prepared4x and can be purchased on Amazon for only $20. This pack will have 4 poncho blankets! Talk about a deal that saves your wallet and you!
Conclusion There are many products on the market that could potentially help you remain safe in the case of a worldwide emergency. The best and most important items to have on hand are the simple things like layers of clothing, jackets, socks and shoes, blankets, and ponchos. Having extra of these items around for each family member will get you started strong on your propping journey. It can feel overwhelming at first, but remember, much of what you will need is already in your home. Those items that you do not already have can typically be purchased easily and cheaply. Do not fret! Even if you are new to prepping, you will be an expert in no time. If not a self-proclaimed expert, then at least prepared for anything!