Scientists calculate that the Earth is a whopping 4.54 billion years old, causing many to wonder when it will come to an end. And, while you might recall the infamous 2012 end of the world prediction by the Mayans, there are some newer theories and predictions out there regarding the future that are worth knowing about. From a psychic’s controversial predictions to a higher-tech apocalyptic future, here are some of the latest end of the world theories and how to survive them.
A computer program predicts the end
Developed in 1973 by MIT researchers, the computer program World One was originally created to simulate global sustainability, though has offered much more when it comes to apocalyptic predictions of the future. In fact, it predicts that the world will collapse in the year 2040, with 2020 being the “first disaster milestone” due to environmental conditions. Because of the environmental conditions, experts of the Club of Rome say that such a future may be preventable if resource consumption is dramatically decreased by high consuming nations like China and the United States.
When it comes to surviving, however, there are many ways that humans can individually attempt to lessen environmental damage. For example, leading more sustainable lives through reducing plastic, going zero-waste, and cleaning the planet can all help to preserve the environment and prevent further damage.
A psychic’s wisdom
Perhaps one of the most well-known psychics in history, Baba Vanga of Bulgaria has made several predictions throughout the years and is said to have successfully predicted monumental events such as the 9/11 attacks, the 2004 Thailand tsunami, and Brexit. In the near future, she has also predicted that President Trump will fall ill with a disease, and that Vladamir Putin will survive an assassination attempt.
However, the notable blind psychic has also predicted the end of the world to take place in the year 5079 in the 51st century – though without any context at all as to how or why making it near impossible to know if there is a way to survive. While Baba Vanga’s predictions are said to be correct 85% of the time, many may remain skeptical about her visions – especially when it comes to the end.
Baba Vanga passed away in August of 1996 and predicted events well beyond her time. While impressive by any psychics standards, getting a second opinion from another psychic can bring a more modern and greater insight on an apocalyptic prediction, thus allowing you to prepare accordingly for survival. As a doomsday prepper or just a survival enthusiast, a quick search for psychic readers near me can easily help you to find someone who can help in giving those much needed answers, personal insight, advice and peace of mind on the controversial subject of the end of the world.
An AI apocalypse
While robots taking over the world has been a popular theory in regards to the apocalypse for years, the latest in technological innovation has kept the specific predictions of the theory new each year. With that said, recent predictions seem to lean heavily towards an artificial intelligence takeover. Often used to help humanity in forms of Siri, Alexa, cybersecurity, and even self-driving cars, a potential artificial intelligence apocalyptic event remains an ever-present threat to humans.
Whether it comes in the form of bots generating impactful fake news, or something bigger – like a robot takeover, a report done by 26 experts concluded that an AI takeover is something to fear due to its possibility of becoming a reality. In fact, AI is already outsmarting humans, such as when it won against pro video game players of the popular game DOTA 2. While many try to avoid AI in their day to day lives by disabling smart assistants like Alexa or turning off their microphones out of fear of misuse, others may try to keep an AI apocalypse at bay by taking a break from electronics completely or by learning to hack. And, in the event that an AI apocalypse does happen, creating a new language and ditching electronics altogether may become prime survival techniques.
While nobody knows the true date or form that an apocalypse will present itself, many are sure that it’s bound to happen someday. With many predictions over time, the latest ones present ideas such as a technology takeover, environmental destruction, or just a simple date with no context at all.